Have you ever bought a service or a subscription only to find yourself alone after you handed over the money or signed the contract? Sure, you may have what you paid for, which is great, but you don’t know its ins and outs and how to get the most out of it.
Or worse, you try to use your new gizmo, to use some function … and it’s just not happening. And you don’t know how to make it work or who to contact.
It’s frustrating, isn’t it?
RK Black is not that kind of company. When you get a service from us, you get a whole company that stands behind that service and multiple layers of support to help you get the most out of it — whether that service is managed voice (VOIP business phones) or copiers or printers or what-not.
Here are a few measures we’ve put in place so you will not feel alone with your service:
YouTube How-to Videos
Technology is cool but these days it can get very complicated very quickly. All of those buttons, action pathways, options and on some devices — like copiers and printers — the touchscreens, panels, trays, knobs, levers, tabs, flashing lights and noises can be quite overwhelming. That’s why we’ve produced and YouTube-published a number of how-to videos.
Did you contract with us for our VOIP business phone system and need to know how to check your voicemail? Here. We’ve got you covered.
Is your Ricoh copier yelling at you, saying you need to change it’s waste toner bottle? Here. We’ll show you how to change that out..
Is your Sharp copier leaving lines on your copies? Try this to get rid of them.
You can access our whole collection of videos — 48 so far! —from here: https://www.rkblack.com/pages/how-to-videos.
While we may not have videos for everything we do, we did what we could do to help you out with the issues we think you are most likely to encounter.
Real. Live. Human. Service.
If you’re having an issue with our technology and the videos don’t help out or cover the issue or you just simply have got to have a solution, you’ve got us — you know the real human beings. That means if you contact us during our business hours, you’ll get a human answering you — not some automated voice sending you on a numeric scavenger hunt, the prize being a prerecorded message asking you to leave a message.
Yes, you’ll get a person and they’ll get you on the road to getting you the help you need — whether that means setting up a help desk appointment with a real live human to help you resolve the problem or sending a real live human to your location. And if you don't want to talk to a human, we have another option for you.
Online Customer Portal
Thanks to our new online "Customer Portal," clients will be able to make payments, view invoices, see payment histories, view account summaries, set up service calls and supply orders, enter meter readings and more — all from the rkblack.com website.
Clients can view the portal from the home page of our website by selecting "Customer Portal" from the dropdown menu under "Contact" or by selecting "Customer Portal" next to "Contact" at the bottom of the website. They can also simply go to rkb.rkblack.com.
To use the portal, clients with their account numbers ready can navigate to the portal and click "Sign Up Now" in the Client Login box. From there, a screen will then ask for an account number. Once this number is entered, clients will be able to set up their login credentials and have access to the portal.
Help Desk
Sometimes our technology doesn’t sync with your technology or network. You may be having network and copier connectivity difficulties, problems with printing, issues with scanning or other matters — snags that can be fixed with some simple instructions over the phone. For those issues, we’ll put you in contact with our help desk. They’ll be happy to walk you through how to rectify your situation.
Sales Team
You know the people that sold you the technology? They are your training and support resource too. Just as they showed you the various features of your service or device before you signed, they’ll walk you through how to make full use of those functions and features so you’ll be glad you signed.
The same hand that passed you the contract is the same hand that will help you in a pinch. If you have a question about your device, you don’t know how to do something or there’s a problem, give your rep a call. They know your account, your unique situation and your technology. They’ll help you out.
To sum it up, from the point you choose RK Black, you’re not alone anymore. You’ve a got a family. We’ve got your back. You’ve got our ear and you’ve always got a helping hand.
About R.K. Black, Inc.
R.K. Black, Inc. is an Oklahoma City-based, family-owned leading provider of office technology solutions to small and medium-sized businesses in Oklahoma and Kansas. We specialize in everything business technology from copier, fax, printer and scanner technology to document management, onsite paper shredding services, VoIP phone systems and managed IT support to video surveillance solutions.
If you want to learn more about us, feel free to explore the website, read our other blogs or click the button below to be contacted by one of our reps and tell you! Also, be sure to keep watching our social media channels on Facebook and Twitter for more business tips from our blog.